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Ongoing Mega Projects

Land parcels in Whitefield, Bangalore

₹2000 Crores: Land parcels in Whitefield, Bangalore.

5-star hotel deal in Manesar, Haryana

₹850 Crores: 5-star hotel deal in Manesar, Haryana.

5-star hotel deal in Delhi

₹600 Crores: 5-star hotel deal in Delhi.

Mining land parcel deal in Goa

₹800 Crores: Mining land parcel deal in Goa.

Infrastructure development project at Delhi Airport

₹2500 Crores: Infrastructure development project at Delhi Airport.

Solar Plant project for the Owner of Paper Mills Company

₹10,000 Crores: Solar Plant project for the Owner of Paper Mills Company.

Expansion of paper mills project

₹200 Crores: For the same paper mills for expansion of its project.

100 crores Artificial Intelligence project

₹100 crores: Artificial Intelligence project.

Oil and Dairy Products Factory in Maharashtra

5000 Crores: Project to resolve financial crisis of an Oil and Dairy Products Factory in Maharashtra.

Additional projects across multiple regions

Additional Projects: Over a dozen deals ranging between ₹50-300 crores across Telangana, Hyderabad, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Delhi.